Theater School in Lynn, MA
- Project was for purchase of real estate
- $560,000 total project
- $203,000 was the Bay Colony portion
- Ed Lamasney of Eastern Bank was the lender
- Company anticipates creating two jobs
Media Management Company in Salem, MA
- Project was for purchase of office condo
- $340,000 total project
- $141,000 was the Bay Colony portion
- Ed Lamasney of Eastern Bank was the lender
- Company anticipates creating 11 new jobs
Dog Training Company in Everett, MA
- Project was for purchase and renovation of property
- $1,333,000 total project
- $548,000 was the Bay Colony portion
- Shipley Mason of Century Bank was the lender
- Company anticipates creating 4 new jobs
Restaurant in West Stockbridge, MA
- Project was for the refinance of real estate
- $630,000 total project
- $134,000 was the Bay Colony portion
- Don Kuczarski of Pittsfield Co-operative Bank was the lender
- Project anticipates creating 3 new jobs