Story Published on Enterprise News

By Michele Morgan Bolton
Posted Jan. 8, 2015 @ 6:00 am
Updated at 9:07 AM

BROCKTON – The flour was flying on Spark Street Tuesday, 75 pounds of it to be exact, as workers at Montilio’s Baking Co. started building an inaugural cake.

Add in 190 pounds of confectionary and granulated sugar, 65 pounds of icing and shortening, about 30 pounds of unsalted butter, and 65 pounds of eggs and the 3-D replica of the Massachusetts State House was starting to take shape Tuesday for Governor-elect Charlie Baker.

“It is always fun,” said George Montilio during a brief break from the baking.

His father Ernest founded the company in 1947 that is famous for providing culinary confections for high-profile celebrations – from the inaugural balls of presidents – including John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan – to the Rocky Marciano statue dedication in 2012.

Baker’s cake also contains 40 pounds of liquid milk, nine pounds of baking powder, three pounds of sea salt and three pounds of clear vanilla.

It stand four-feet high on a four-foot by eight-foot butter cream base made with 10 sheets of Presidential White Cake.

At four inches high, the base will also display images from the new governor’s campaign.

Montilio said he was happy to make the cake, being a big Baker supporter.

“When I see him, I say, ‘Remember, Baker? And baker,” he said wryly, indicating himself. “He gets a kick out of that.”

Every Montilio’s order is unique, he said, and starts with sheet cake bolstered by wooden forms made in a shop over the bakery floor.

The 480-pound creation will be delivered to Nurses Hall at 10:30 a.m., on Thursday, and hopefully have no issues, he said, recalling times when the delivery van hit a tree, or a driver ahead of it stopped short.

“I could write a book on our disasters,” he joked. If something happens? “You just open the back of the van for triage.”