SBA Loan for Massachusetts Motors Company

  • SBA loan for the purchase of $4.3 million building
  • Bay Colony portion was $1,478,000
  • John Sergi from Brookline Bank arranged the bank portion of the loan
  • This SBA-funded project is expected to create 25 new jobs in Massachusetts!

SBA Loan for Massachusetts Physical Therapy Office

  • SBA loan for the purchase of $350,000 building
  • Bay Colony portion was $146,000
  • John Masten from Legacy Bank was the participating lender
  • This SBA-funded project is expected to create 2 new jobs in Massachusetts!

SBA Loan for Massachusetts Italian Bakery

  • SBA loan for the construction of a $1.7 million bakery/retail store
  • Bay Colony portion was $694,000
  • Mike Quink from Fidelity Bank was the participating lender
  • This SBA-funded project is expected to create 14 new jobs in Massachusetts!

SBA Loan for Massachusetts Veterinary Office

  • SBA loan for the purchase of a $1.3 million veterinary clinic
  • Bay Colony portion was $527,000
  • Andy Colby from National Grand Bank was the participating lender
  • This SBA-funded project is expected to create 3 new jobs in Massachusetts!

SBA Loan for Connecticut Country Club

  • SBA loan for the purchase of $3.5 million golf course and renovation of clubhouse and function room
  • Bay Colony portion was $1,247,000
  • Anthony Mattioli from New England Bank was the participating lender
  • This SBA-funded project is expected to create 30 new jobs in Connecticut!