Hotel in Middletown, RI
- Purchase real estate and renovations
- Total project costs of $3,880,000; BCDC contribution of $1,198,000
- 16 jobs will be created
Manufacturer of Printing Machines in Lowell, MA
- Purchase real estate and renovations
- Total project costs of $1,590,000; BCDC contribution of $656,000
- 5 jobs will be created
Motel in Swansea, MA
- Purchase of real estate and renovations
- Total project costs of $2,275,000; BCDC contribution of $821,000
- 5 job will be created
Restaurant in Haverhill, MA
- Purchase of real estate and renovations
- Total project costs of $333,000; BCDC contribution of $139,000
- 2 jobs will be created
Paint Bar in Boston, MA
- Purchase of real estate and renovations
- Total project costs of $535,000; BCDC contribution of $195,000
- 3 jobs will be created
Chiropractor in Quincy, MA
- Purchase of real estate and renovations
- Total project costs of $604,000; BCDC contribution of $251,000
- 4 jobs will be created
Manufacturer of Sheet Metal in South Windsor, CT
- Purchase of real estate, renovations and equipment
- Total project costs of $624,000; BCDC contribution of $259,000
- 4 jobs will be created